kettlebells at the gym



Creating New Habits

Creating New Habits

What’s your Plan B? Do you have a Plan B? I’m not referring to a Plan B for your next travel destination, finances or even wor…

You're Stronger Than You Think

You’re Stronger Than You Think!

Embrace your past as part of your wellness journey When I was fourteen years old my mother suffered a heart attack, and a week lat…

Creating a Culture of Positivity

Creating a Culture of Positivity

Choose Optimism A former senior leader once told me that I was too positive and optimistic. Now let me provide some context, we we…

May Your Ism's Empower You

May Your ‘Ism’s Empower You

Understanding over judgement in the training studio Are you worried about joining a training studio because you feel judged when y…

people working out in a group fitness class


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