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Buket Necip · April 16, 2022
Buket Necip · April 14, 2022
Buket Necip · April 14, 2022
Buket Necip · April 14, 2022
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Creating New Habits
What’s your Plan B? Do you have a Plan B? I’m not referring to a Plan B for your next travel destination, finances or even wor…
You’re Stronger Than You Think!
Embrace your past as part of your wellness journey When I was fourteen years old my mother suffered a heart attack, and a week lat…
Creating a Culture of Positivity
Choose Optimism A former senior leader once told me that I was too positive and optimistic. Now let me provide some context, we we…
May Your ‘Ism’s Empower You
Understanding over judgement in the training studio Are you worried about joining a training studio because you feel judged when y…